Tuesday, October 9, 2007

1) a story: the clean slate
Three years ago, Posie was diagnosed with a terminal illness. The news was sudden and had come too late. She read a book about the body’s ability to self-heal—it was all she could do. The book explained how spiritual and emotional dysfunctions could manifest themselves as physical illnesses. Her dysfunctions were evident in the trail of failed relationships she had left behind her. These failures were due to a single, violent episode in her teens that had stayed with her like the blood on Lady Macbeth’s hands. This sense of injury nestled in the depths of her heart and this is where the illness first took hold.
illness is a reset button ...
After reading the book, Posie understood that energy was currency, and that she had wasted all her life-giving energy on anger. Posie doubted her ability to self-heal but felt she could, at least, leave this world unencumbered—a clean slate. She felt she would finally and thoroughly expel from her being the anger she had held onto for so long.
let go ...
The book suggested forgiveness. Forgiveness was a ‘letting go’. Letting go was necessary so that the spirit would not be wasted on futile missions of revenge while anger filled the void.
call back your spirit ...
The book detailed an account of one man’s journey from a life of persecution as a Native American Indian in the US ARMY to his rebirth twenty years later. His rebirth was due to a long-awaited homecoming to his native land. Upon his return, his people were shocked by the change in him. He was a broken man. His spirit was depleted. So, his people ambushed him one night while he lay in his bed. They tied a rope around his waist and threw him into the icy-cold waters of a winter lake. They cried out to him: ‘Call back your spirit. A man cannot live without his spirit’. The man fought for his life.

And regained it ...

Anatomy of the Spirit is a medical tome like no other. It was written by Caroline Myss in 1996 and is largely about her experiences as a medical intuitive.

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